Drug Screening
Living Well Wellness now offers pre-employment, post accident and random drug screenings. We offer instant result 12 panel urine drug screenings with an option for a comprehensive lab screening if needed. The cost of a 12 panel instant urine drug screening is $55. There is an additional $25 fee for the sample to be sent off to a lab for a comprehensive screening. If your sample is sent to the lab for screening you will receive your results within 48 hrs not including weekends. The screenings will detect illegal drugs as well as prescription drugs. Walk-Ins welcome in Daytona Beach and Fern Park, FL.
To book your appointment please call, text or email. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Please feel free to download the Drug Screening Consent form to have ready upon your arrival to the clinic or email to info@livingwellwellness.com prior to your appointment.